Monday, April 20, 2009

My experiences in a Fast Food Joint

I once work as a cashier in a Fast Food Burger Restaurant in Australia.
and I had this Indian Manager who was very strict.

It was a quiet afternoon, usually we get customers at lunch time and late afternoon.
So I was just standing there, staring at the people passing by outside.
And he came up to me and started talking really fast.

"Don't just stand there."
"You have to keep busy."
"Fill up the straw container and fill up the ice cream cones."
"Then go to the tables and wipe them with this." *handed me towel-wipe thing*
"then sweep the floor" *pointed to where the broom was*
Oh... he totally made me feel like Cinderella.

in my defence, It was my second day there, so I didn't know much about anything and where everything are anyway.

But hey, he was a good guy and he's just doing his job.
and it was fun to be Cinderella in a Fast Food Burger Joint anyway.
So... all is good :)

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