Monday, April 20, 2009


yesyesyes, still cashier, still fast food joint.

I sometimes get scared when I get night shift.
some people are so drunks, you can smell the alcohol on their breath over the counter.
But the guys and the managers are always so protective of you anyway, so It's safe for me.
and it's always busy at night during weekends.

There was this drunk guy, he couldn't barey stand up straight, and he taking a lot of time asking me what to order, what's nice, bla bla bla while there are 5 other people standing in line behind him.
I didn't care about people waiting, but I was afraid that he was gonna kill me.
.... ok a tad bit paranoid there.
Anyway.... a guy next to him, was saying "ohh everything's nice, you should order this and that bla bla bla"
So drunk guy ordered 5 burgers for himself, luckily he had money. So no problems there.
I then handed him his orders and the change of 45 cents.
And he said "Oh I don't need that money, you keep it, that amount don't mean nothing to me"
Okay sir, but no thank you, so I tried to return the money to him.
So he replied even with a louder voice "No... really you should keep it, it's nothing for me"
and coz I was still afraid that he was gonna kill me *man i do have a problem*
So I said thank you and put the money below the counter.

So.......... after my shift's done,
the manager counted the money on my till
and I told him about the 45 cents that I got it from the drunk guy earlier.
and I was about to drop the coins to the rest of the coins in the till, but mister manager said "no no, it's yours, you keep it"
"but but....."
oh man, I was so tired of arguing with mister manager after 4 hours of standing as a Cashier.
So.... I went home with an extra 45 cents in my pocket.

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